Building, Pest and New Home (Stage) Inspection Costs in Capel Sound

The following rates are fixed and include travel costs. Each inspection comes with a detailed building inspection report in PDF or printed format. Our team of building, pest and new home (stage) inspectors are licensed, fully insured and will ensure you receive your property inspection report within 24 hours of the completed inspection.

To obtain a written quote please contact our office on (03) 5911 0113 or to book a building inspection please use the interactive building inspection cost table below.

Type of Building Inspection Type of Building Inspection
House, Townhouse or Unit (1-2 Bedrooms)
House, Townhouse or Unit (3-4 Bedrooms)
House, Townhouse or Unit (5+ Bedrooms)


Apartment Inspection Cost

iSPECT recommend completing a building inspection of your apartment when buying, selling or taking possession. Our pricing for each inspection type is detailed below. Our team of apartment building inspectors are licensed, fully insured and will ensure you receive your property inspection report within 24 hours of the completed inspection.

For more information about each inspection type, to obtain a quote or to book a building inspection please use the interactive apartment inspection cost table below.



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Commercial Inspection Cost

iSPECT inspectors are licensed, fully insured and will ensure you receive your property inspection report within 24 hours of the completed inspection.

For more information about each inspection type, to obtain a quote or to book a building inspection please use the interactive apartment inspection cost table below.

Inspection Type Inspection Type
0-300 sqm
301-1000 sqm
1000 sqm+